Friday, January 28, 2011

May we all live abundantly!

Here is a toast to the new year
Hallo everyone. The New Year has begun and this is my first post. A lot of people have what they call New Year resolutions for each year. Personally I concentrate on working on my goals everyday, which are long term. Call it whatever you wish, the question is whether those goals/resolutions are met at the end of the day.

This year calls for hard work. I have seen a number of young people setting themselves what I would call "naive goals" such as working towards buying themselves fancy cars. Before you do that, especially those that don't have much financial clout ask yourself, what would be the benefit from this in the long run?

Would this help stabilise my financials in the near future? If the answer is no, please try to play it low this year. For something that depreciates, buy it at an affordable price so that in future you don't find yourself in a situation that brings you more  closer to financial stress. Believe me, they would be better times, when you adopt a saving culture.  When you have something set aside (an investment for example), even when you go broke today, there is a sense of security and pride left in you. 

The stage has been set and it's time we get ourselves out of the shackles of debt, create wealth for ourselves, our children and our children's children.

May we all live abundantly and productive this year.