Monday, December 22, 2008

The time has come!!

Christmas decorations
As routine as it is, the time has come for families to unite and show each other love and appreciation. For some it's a time to get crazier by indulging in excessive alcohol consumption, while for others spending is bound to be tested to it's limits leaving them completely dry. Come January they start running over each other preying on cash loans already flooded by hundred others.

The festive season is here and we ought to be careful on how we go about enjoying it. For some of us its work as usual. Happy holidays every one. Happy Christmas and wishing you a blessed and productive 2009. See you next year!

You reap what you sow!!

Size 10 shoe meant for Bush
Bush has tasted his own medicine. A journalist braved all protocol amid heavy security in an area that appeared tightly secured. He threw his pair of size ten shoes (so we are told) at George W Bush to show his disrespect for thousands of innocent women and children that have lost their lives because of this man's (Bush) policy in Iraq and Afghanistan.

What an exit for Bush. And what is interesting is that, he saw the shoe coming (literally), given the way he ducked and maneuvered to avoid being hit. This should be a lesson that, no one is immune to ridicule if buffoonery is what you stand for. In the Muslim world showing or even worse, throwing a shoe at someone is regarded as highly offensive and who would argue that Bush didn't deserve this.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Death is not entertainment TV

I was shocked and disgusted at an American citizen, who perhaps "sick" of his long sickness has decided to end his life. Inasmuch as I respect his decision to end his agony for whatever reason, I despise his decision to show us his act on TV. I mean for what and for who? What is he trying to achieve by doing that? Craig Ewert, a former computer scientist from Chicago, ended his life in a Swiss clinic because in Switzerland they allow such decisions. Is this some kind of a publicity stunt? Imagine the impact this can have on young kids. Are we promoting suicide? It's so unbelievable, how far some people can go to achieve limelight. If any law allows you to kill yourself, please do it privately. Why involve the world? And worse via the telly? Has  morality  gone down the tubes? We no longer know what is right and wrong.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Peeping Tom's world!

Imagine the nonsense reality show, "Big Brother crap" everyone is talking about these days. Imagine that, transforming into our everyday "real" life, thanks to an envisaged communication bill in the works to be tabled soon in Parliament. Everything you write or talk about my friend would be scrutinized and you may get into trouble.

I have wondered what might have led politician to contemplate bringing such a law in a country as peaceful as Namibia. It would make our life much more difficult because secrecy and privacy will become a thing of the past. I feel as a human being i'm entitled to my privacy and freedom of expression as enshrined in the constitution and why should "Big brother" watch what i do? Most of all, who watches over what "big brother" is doing? The intended bill is only meant to cause fear and society must join hands in condemning this law, for it serves no purpose but to suppress people's civil liberties.