I am so tired of Zimbabwe and what's happening there. It's becoming a nuisance!!. I have become so bored with the leadership and every one involved in politics in this once vibrant Southern African country. My boredom has a lot to do with procrastination on the side of politician to implement the so called power sharing agreement. What do these guys want? Do they see how people are suffering because of their selfish and boring tactics?
Just a few days ago, a council inaugurated and initiated no so long ago by Nelson Mandela, called "The Elders" comprised of Kofi Annan (former U-N chief), Graca Machel (wife of Nelson Mandela) and Jimmy Carter (former U-S president), decided to visit Zimbabwe to highlight the humanitarian crisis facing that country, but they were refused entry. Reasons given where that, their presence, will boost an opposition party, MDC.
As we speak, Zimbabwe is faced with an outbreak of Cholera and starvation. "The Elders mission was to simply asses the plight of the people and get in the much needed help. Their visit was one for humanitarian reasons not politics. The Zimbabwean government couldn't agree while its doing nothing to avert a catastrophic situation. What I fail to understand is how, the presence of "The Elders council", would have boosted MDC.
The Zimbabwean government is being too analytical and anxiety seems to cloud over the whole administration, consequently affecting the well-being of it's own people. I am beginning to doubt the viability of this power sharing deal. Will it work at all, if the well-being of the masses is not taken seriously. People, in likes of Kofi Annan and Jimmy Carter hold reputable standing in the world, and their involvement would have brought in the much needed help in Zimbabwe particularly to its populace. I couldn't agree more with Graca Machel when she said, it seems the Zimbabwean leadership has no interest of the people at heart. What a shame!!